Grants at SEF
SEF Grantmaking Guidelines
SEF awards grants to enrich student learning, enhance instructional programs and learning tools, encourage professional development, and promote the standard of excellence at Skaneateles Central Schools. Fulfilling all the objectives to receive an award is not required; applications that impact a substantial number of giving targets are more likely to receive a favorable outcome. Grants for student projects will receive favorable consideration when they promote, expand, or enrich student opportunities in a manner consistent with the Foundation's mission.
Grant objectives include:
Serve as an opportunity for enrichment that cannot be funded through a normal school budget
Demonstrate innovative approaches or methodologies
Are consistent with the Skaneateles Central Schools curriculum and NYS Department of Education standards
Serve as an effective pilot for possible future programs
Include a method of assessing the project's effectiveness
Offer the possibility of continued impact for multiple years
Encourage and facilitate student and other educator feedback
Offer expanded opportunities for application in other curricula and use by other educators
Anticipate, encourage, or reflect expanded use of technology
Encourage partnerships with other funding sources
Impact as many students as possible
Funding Limitations:
Faculty/staff salaries and benefits
Support of sports teams and equipment
General capital improvements
Building and grounds operations and maintenance
Ongoing transportation expenses
Routine purchases of equipment and supplies
Administrative and clerical support
Support of current curriculum, programs, and projects
SEF grant applications are emailed to the Executive Director where the application is reviewed for completeness. The proposal is then forwarded to the Board's Programs & Grants Committee for consideration. The committee may return an application for additional information or clarification, reject it, or forward it to the full SEF Board for final approval. On approval, the SEF Executive Director will formally notify the applicants, school administrators, and appropriate District staff via email. The notification packet contains a grant agreement and a post-grant evaluation form. A check will then be delivered to the District offices and grantees may access funds through the appropriate processes in their building.
Applications for the Jean Graham Fund grants will be reviewed by the members of the Jean Graham Committee and approved disbursements will be given directly to awardees. All awardees are expected to complete a post-grant evaluation as outlined in the application process.
The Grant Process
Who Can Apply:
Administrators, teachers, teacher's aides, student support staff, and students of the Skaneateles Central School District may apply for grants from SEF. Please note that some grants have specific requirements concerning elegibility.
What Grants and Funds Are Available:
Grants up to $1,500; teachers, students, administrators may apply; submit year-round
Grants greater than $1,500; teachers, administrators, and student support staff may apply; submit year-round
Jean Graham Fund Summer Sabbatical Grant
Educators may apply; deadline TBD
Jean Graham Fund Summer Passport Grant
Educators may apply; deadline TBD
Up to $800 per grade level; grade level teams and administrators may apply; submit year-round
The SEF allocates monies from the Freedman fund to Lightning or Teacher Innovation Grants that meet the fund's giving guidelines. Please see the Freedman Fund page for more details.
Funds for students with financial hardships. The District's Coordinator of Student Support Services & Family Engagement manages the allocations for these funds from a yearly disbursement.
Grants for the support and advancement of music education in the Skaneateles School District; educators and students may apply; submit year-round
SEF provides one scholarship, the iDTech Summer Technology Camp Scholarship. To learn more about the application process, elegibility, and deadlines, please visit the iDTech Scholarship page.
When to Apply:
Lightning Grants, Teacher Innovation Grants (TIG), Experiential Learning Fund Grants (ELF), Music Guild Grants, and Class of '51 Fund grants may be submitted at any time during the school year. Application dates for the Jean Graham Fund Summer Sabbatical and the Summer Passport are determined at the beginning of the school year and usually happen in May.
How to Apply:
Please download electronic grant applications from the appropriate grants page. All applicants should carefully review the giving guidelines and preparation instructions in the forms. Before emailing the completed application to, please make sure to have all required signatures and approvals. Prospective applicants are encouraged to contact SEF's Executive Director, Amanda Ducharme, to assist with grant prep, answer questions, and to discuss ideas. She may be reached at or via phone at 315-291-2212.