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Dr. John T. Freedman Fund


The Dr. John T. Freedman Fund is a permanent endowment established at the Skaneateles Education Foundation (SEF) in 2019.  Dr. Freedman (1946-2019) was much beloved in the Skaneateles community.  He practiced dentistry with kindness and excellence from 1974 until his retirement in 2006.  John was a leader, active community member, and volunteer coach for several youth sports teams.  He enjoyed golf, fly-fishing, and bicycling. John brought his contagious smile and quick wit to all that he did, and he will always be remembered for his trademark sense of humor. This fund embodies a fitting tribute to a life well-lived.

The Fund was seeded by inaugural gifts given in lieu of flowers when John’s life was celebrated in October 2019.  The Freedman Family wants to serve the greatest number of Skaneateles students possible by supporting a holistic approach to health and wellness based on the Six Dimensions of Wellness adopted by the district. Monies from this fund will specifically enhance programs and initiatives addressing the wellness curriculum, mental health and well-being for students in all grade levels across the district.  Recent grants funded in whole or part by the Dr. John T. Freedman Fund include the State Street Yoga Club which provides morning yoga classes for third through fifth graders each Fall and Spring and underwriting advanced animal therapy certifications for a middle school social worker to make more effective use of the district's therapy dogs.

Additional gifts given in memory of Dr. Freedman are added to the fund and disbursed by the SEF Board in accordance with the giving guidelines outlined by the family.  Monies from this fund are disbursed via Lightning and Teacher Innovation Grant applications.  This endowment is expected to distribute annually an amount up to 5% of the total market value in the Dr. John T. Freedman Fund at SEF’s fiscal year end which is June 30th.

To contribute to the fund or have questions answered, please contact SEF's Executive Director.

Support through the Freedman Fund will specifically enhance programs and initiatives that address the wellness curriculum, mental health and well-being for students in all grade levels across the district.

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